
This site contains information about the undergraduate association for Linguistics at Boston University. Membership is open to all B.U. undergraduates, and events are open to the Boston University community.

BULA conducts monthly meetings to share ideas and talk about different topics in linguistics. We also have a BananaGrams & Scrabble Tournament once a semester, followed by a movie night (something linguistics related like ‘Wild Child’, “Avatar’, “The Linguists’, etc). BULA also has an annual bake sale for BUCLD (Boston University Conference on Language Development) taking place in the first week of November.

There is a BULA Mailing List. Subscribe to find out about all the latest events.

There is also BULA Facebook Group to join.

You can contact one of the BULA officers directly for information about the organization or to let us know that you would like to participate.

This web site is currently maintained by Paul Hagstrom and Carol Neidle and BULA officers, based on one created by Carol Neidle.